Monday, June 18, 2007

Based on the advice of my techno-buddy Jane Spear I recently purchased my first digital camera. It has taken me 3 weeks to get the nerve to try it out, but this weekend I actually connected the camera to my computer and looked at the pictures there. I tried e-mailing them, but that didn't work. I don't have grandchildren, so I had to take pictures of my new rock. I have such an exciting life!


ILLBookbuyer said...

The good thing about rocks versus grandchildren is they require a lot less upkeep!

James said...

i think rocks are the far better option anyway. no crying or whining (...says the guy currently working a 4-hour shift in CS)

you're doing great by the way. building a blog, uploading photos, only figuratively ripping your hair out :)

Blog from the Bog said...

I know some children intelligent as rocks. Ah, the Rock of Ages!

contrarymary1 said...

Good thing I got a nice sized memory card for my camera cause one of my grandsons picks up every rock he sees! There's always a pile (his collection) by the front door, the kitchen door and various places inside the house.